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A crackdown on advertising may make it doable to avoid unnecessary intake and steer clear of destroying the biosphere. This may well be participating in word game titles with threat, or it may possibly be a serious resolution. But the Department of the Interior should to make sure it knows, and inform us. 6-7 Adbusters, 31, 117, 119 Adbusters Media Foundational CBCsuedby, 194-196 magazine and site of, 3 one television strategies of, 31-33, 56, 58, 62,95, 126, 142, 170, 177, 193,206,207 web-site of, 132 A.d.i.d.a.s (All Day I Dream About Suicide), one fifteen advertisers, media energy of, 33-35 promoting, 18-21, 22-23, 24, 1 19, 166, 167, a hundred seventy five subvertising and, 131-132, 133-134 tv rates for, 184 Advertising Age, 22, 176 "advertrocities," 22-23 Alabama, 155, 160-161 Albania, 90-92, ninety four alcoholism, 9, 10 Allen, Woody, 22, 52 Alternative Economics Committee, 208 ambient sound, 13-14 America™, 146,215 cool and, 113-114 corporate regulate of, xii-xiii global influence of, xiv uncooling of, xvi-xvii unofficial record of, 65-71 American Association of Advertising Agencies (AAAA), 187 American Convention on Human Rights, 186 American Dream, stop of, 59-63 American Medical Association ( AMA), 188 America's Funniest Home Videos, 37 Amusing Ourselves to Death (Postman), 24 "Anarchy in the U.K.," 100 anger, xv, 12, 139 "anti-language," 2 1 antitrust laws and lawsuits, 67, 193 anxiousness, 9 Apple, 102 Areata, Calif., 161 Archer Daniels Midland, 34, 172 Asian "tiger" economies, 94 Asphalt Nation (Holtz), 82 Australia, 20,21 authenticity, "kidnapping" of, one zero one vehicle sector, 82-83 "Autosaurus" tv campaign, 31, 126 Ayres, Robert, 88 Babette's Feast, 79-80 "bads," 89 Baffler, 114 bank charters, 67 banking companies, disputes with, 148 Banks, Ferdinand, ninety Barings Bank, 93 Barnes & Noble, 34 "batwing condition," seventy five Baudrillard, Jean, forty Beatles, a hundred and one Beattie, Ann, 44-45 Beatty, Jennifer, 70 "lovely functions," 6-7 Before Sunrise, 102 Bellow, Saul, 10-11 Benetton, 22-23, 26 Bentley, David, twenty 238 Index Berisha, Sali, ninety two Bertelsmann, 186 Bestfoods, 20 Beverly Hills Bar Association, 197 bicycles, bicycle lanes, 179, 180 Big Enemies, one hundred and five Bill of Rights, sixty eight bioeconomics, 86-90, 202-203 Bird by Bird (Lamott), 4-5 Black, Conrad, 25 Black Friday, 94 Black Monday, 93, ninety four "black shakes," 24 Blanton, Brad, 143 physique impression, 12, 73-74, 75 Boeing, seventy nine Bonn, 213 Borderline Personality Disorder, 9 boredom, one zero five Boston, Mass., 193 Boston Tea Party, 66 bovine progress hormone, 70 boycotts, 158, 163 Bradbury, Ray, 169 brain, one sixteen brainwashing, 19 Brando, Marlon, 139 Brave New World (Huxley), 197-198 "breaking the old syntax," 107 Brennan, William J., a hundred and sixty British Columbia, 30-3 one British East India Company, 66 British Petroleum, 179 Brown, Willie, 179 Buddhism, 11, 106, 107, 108, 143, 157, 191 Bulgaria, 90 bulimia, seventy three Bunkyo University, 157 "Buy Nothing Day," 32, 33, 62, 95, one 32, a hundred and seventy Byrne, David, 52 CAA (Canadian Advertising Association), 187 California, 4-6, 161 Calvin Klein, 23, 131, 175-179 Cameron, Ewen, 19 Cameron, Mike, 70 Canada, 25, 75,92,119,178 Canadian Advertising Association (CAA), 187 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 29, 31, 32, 194-196 Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 30, 187,193, 194 capitalism, client, see consumer capitalism Cargill, 172 Carnegie Mellon University, forty six Carpenter, Edmund, 45 vehicles, 80-83,131,133 uncoolingof, 179-181 Carson, Rachel, 26 "cashing out," 169 Catholic Church, 103 CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), 29, 31, 32, 194-196 CBS, 32,33,35,196 censorship, one 19 Center for Psychology and Social Change, six Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 19 CFAX, 190-191 channel-surfers, fifteen chat groups, on Internet, 43-44 Chicago, University of, 209 young children, television's outcomes on, 3-4, 12 China, 94, 115, 192,211 Christianity, 212 Christie, Linford, 20 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, nine Chrysler, 35 cigarette businesses, 119, 131, 151, 160-161 uncoolingof, 13, 125-127 citizens' groups, 134-135 civil disobedience, xv civil rights movement, xi, 155, 21 1 Civil War, U.S., 67-68, 69 Clinton, Bill, 192 Clockwork Orange, A, 1 1-12 CNBC, 188 CNN, 32, 95, 133,178,186 Index 239 Cobain, Kurt, 52 Cobb, John, 89 Coca-Cola, 21, 25, 39, 70, 79, 174 "Coke Day," 70 Coleman, Ronald, 89 school scholar apathy, one fifteen "commodity indicator benefit," forty communism, one hundred forty Condon, Richard, forty confronting corporations, 149-150 Congress, U.S., 159 Constitution, U.S. , 68, 161 purchaser capitalism, xvi, 106, a hundred and forty cartoon about, 36 as cult, 51-57 diminished expectations and, 51-52 taste fading from, 212 programming of people in, 37-41 uncoolingof, 169-172 unethical nature of, xv amazing, 38,63, 106,212,215 company manufacture of, xiii cynicism and, xv-xvi definitions of, one 13-1 fourteen as international phenomenon, xiv see also uncooling company trusts, sixty nine firms, 73-83 evolution of, 66-71 grounding of, 157-163 lawful "personhood" of, 68-69, 124, 157, 161 authorized obligation of, 158-160 political and cultural electric power of, xii-xiii, xvii, 67-7 1,145 revoking charters of, 160-163, 162 seizing manage from, 145-155 social contract in between consumers and, 76-78 "corrections," in inventory sector, ninety three cortex of mind, 116 Cosio d'Arroscia, 100 Costanza, Robert, 206 Council for Tobacco Research, a hundred and sixty criminal offense premiums, 60 CRTC (Canadian Radio-Television Commission), 30, 187, 193, 194 Cruise, Tom, Chaturbateye 38 Crystal Cruises, 34 culthood, consumer capitalism and, 51-57 society: corporate management of, xiii, xvii excellence and, 113 worldwide homogenization of, 25-26 lateral vs